Great Lakes Computer is opening a convenient new location! While the headquarters will remain in Avon, Ohio, we are adding a satellite office near downtown Sandusky. This prime spot will enable us to better serve our traditional business customers in Northwestern...
Server Repair & Maintenance
Break Fix or Managed Services – Which makes sense for you?
If you run a business, you probably use some variation of IT hardware to do it. To keep that equipment running smoothly, you'll run across the need for maintenance, which can come in a couple forms. Managed IT Service contracts are proactive and include ongoing...
How to Determine the Lifespan of Your Server
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]When you buy a car, you have a number in your head of the miles you expect to get out of it before the parts start to fail. You use that number to weigh the price of the vehicle. When investing in server equipment, you may be tempted...
The Why, What, When, & Who of Preventative Maintenance
We are all guilty of losing track of the last time we cleaned our printer jets or dusted our PC fans. Preventative maintenance is one of those tasks that quickly gets lost in the shuffle. When we get a new piece of hardware, we vow this time will be different, but it...
The Key to Preventing Costly Network Downtime
The phrase "downtime" should bring one image to mind: a pile of money burning to ash. That's what network downtime does to your profits, destroys them. It's difficult to fully grasp the total cost of downtime because it's so muliti-faceted. In 2015, downtime was...
4 Best Practices for Server Documentation
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Servers are complex pieces of machinery that very few people in a business generally understand. Because of this, it's critical to have thorough server documentation in the event of an emergency. If a problem occurs with your...
Do I Really Need to Scrap SBS 2003 When It Works So Well?
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Nobody wants to spend money on upgrading a server or moving to another solution when the one they use works so well. But with the End Of Support for SBS 2003 looming, it is, sadly, not really a choice. I believe that this...
10 Things to Know Before Moving to Office 365
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] With Microsoft's Small Business Server 2003 making its grand departure from the world of support and updates in July 2015, it is time to consider your options if you have not done so already. One option many companies are...
6 Amazing Computer Repair Tips for Struggling Small Businesses
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Desktop Computer Repair Tips for Every SMB Recent research conducted by Intel found the average small business employee loses approximately one work week per year because they work on an out-of-date PC. Additionally, the study also...
Law Practices – Making the Case for Servers and Managed IT Support
Dell Whitepaper "How a Server Can Deliver for Your Business" Provides Examples for Law Firms Dell recently produced the whitepaper "How a Server Can Deliver for Your Business", and there are a few areas to share with SMB's, and especially law firms. The...