by Bob Martin | Jun 20, 2014 | Data Protection, Data Security
We have all done it. Some time between meetings, stop at Starbucks and get some work done. Check email while you are waiting for your flight at the airport. Or even shelling out the $30 to connect on the plane during that cross country flight for a sales meeting to...
by Bob Martin | Jun 10, 2014 | Data Protection, Data Security, Remote Monitoring
You know what the most amazing part about Heartbleed is? It was around for two years before any news came out about. And it also affected about 2/3 of all internet servers. Doesn’t it seem amazing something like this could happen in the internet of 2014? It just goes...
by Bob Martin | May 13, 2014 | Data Backup, Data Protection
Since the takeoff of the Information Age in the 1990s, you’ve probably heard the words “data backup” preached at you time and again. And for good reason. You don’t want to lose all your valuable data that you spent years developing and accumulating in an...
by Bob Martin | May 8, 2014 | Data Backup, Data Protection
Today we welcome +Katrina Matthews, a product specialist and blogger for RackSolutions, manufacturer of custom racking solutions for businesses. When you lose control of an account because a person stole your password or a hacker used a computer program to generate a...
by Bob Martin | Apr 16, 2014 | Data Protection, Data Security
First thing’s first: make sure you understand what Heartbleed is and is not. It is not a virus – your antivirus software is completely unable to do anything about it. It is no doubt one of the most serious and widespread problems on the internet. What Heartbleed...
by Bob Martin | Mar 27, 2014 | Data Backup, Data Protection, Disaster Recovery
Today, we introduce fellow Northeast Ohio blogger Brett Harney, Principal at Corporate Technologies Group in Hudson, Ohio to share with us his buyer’s guide for SMB’s on Voice over IP technology: A Buying Guide for Small Business: VoIP vs. Hosted VoIP We...