Another malware wreaking havoc on company networks Symantec is currently warning computer users that a new variation of the Shamoon malware has been detected. This most recent variant performs several different actions on infected systems. In addition to wiping data...
Data Protection
Just When You Thought Your Data Protection was Strong Enough…
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] How Hackers Erased a Digital Life in an Hour... When tech writer Mat Honan of Gadget Lab, a regular to the Wired blog, lost all of his digital life in the span of an hour, it should be a wake up call to everyone to increase their...
Understanding the Effects of Malware on Data Protection
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Understanding the Impact of Malware The term “malware” is a shortcut way of referring to malicious software installed on a system without the owner's permission or knowledge. Malware tends to produce two major effects, both of them...
Download the Buyer’s Guide to Virtual & Physical Data Protection
This new eBook, courtesy of Dell AppAssure, will help you sort through the new as well as the more traditional data protection approaches, providing the background you need to select the right approach for your environment. About the Author: Greg Shields Microsoft...
A Guide to Malicious Software and Their Threat to Data Security
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] A Basic Understanding of Viruses Trojans, and Worms Most small business owners have probably seen news reporting on viruses, worms, and Trojans, but they may not have a terribly clear understanding of how these forms of malware...
AppAssure Data Backup Video: Recovery via Remote Mount of SQL Data
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] AppAssure Data Backup Software Video Series: Recovery via Remote Mount of SQL Data AppAssure Product Demo Ever have a large database restore to recover a table, a couple of rows or some subset of data only to find out you don’t have...
Improved Data Security Against New Threats
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] SSL or TLS Promote Improved Data Security Against New Threats In today's business world, there is virtually no company that can operate completely without computers and related technology. Large businesses and corporations usually...
AppAssure Data Backup Video: Restore a Volume(s)/ Live Replay
AppAssure Data Backup Software Video Series: Restore a Volume(s)/ Live Replay AppAssure Product Demo Ever lose a disk or a volume? Know what it takes to restore that volume in terms of time and effort? Users are down during the fix time as well as the recovery time....
Managing Risk – Data Security Strategy
Posted by M. Ursula Herrmann Crain's Cleveland Business Guest Blog Post of 7-27-12 In managing risk, a line to walk in finding acceptable levels Mary Ursula Herrmann is a Network Security Analyst living in Juneau, AK. She has worked in Information Security for over 15...
AppAssure Data Backup Video: Recover a File
AppAssure Data Backup Software Video Series: Recover a File AppAssure Product Demo Navigating through the world of backup software interfaces, the one thing in common is the fact that the bulk of your recoveries are at the file / folder level and you are learning a...