The dangers associated with email and web security continue to grow, even more so now due to the pandemic. According to one study, though 71% of Americans are still working from home today, when business returns to normal, 54% of them want to continue that. If you’re...
data security
The Increasingly Risky Web
It’s important for your business to have strong internet security in place, ensuring your employees are working safely and mitigating the risks.
Increase in Email Threats
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Businesses face all kinds of threats every day—competitors, the economy, laws and regulations, and increasing employee benefit costs to name a few. But cyber threats are increasingly becoming one of the more common threats that...
Improving Work-From-Home Security
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]According to research from security software provider Malwarebytes, roughly 20% of organizations may have suffered a security breach caused by remote workers since the beginning of the COVID pandemic. This is a worrying but...
The Importance of Email Security
Email security is so crucial for businesses and organizations. It closes a gaping door to fraud, theft and network hijacking.
Phishing Email Attacks on the Rise
Since the COVID-19 pandemic heavily shifted work patterns for millions of people around the world, one of the biggest changes, particularly among white collar workers, has been a move towards working from home wherever possible. As a result, millions of employees are...
Why Government Services are Turning to Managed IT Services
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Today's economic environment requires state and local government agencies to leverage IT resources if they intend to effectively control costs and streamline their services. Unfortunately, the government's IT system faces many...
The 6 Keys to an Effective SOC
Every 11 seconds. That is how often experts predict a ransomware attack on a business will occur by the end of 2021. With that in mind, businesses can no longer push cybersecurity to the side, or just put up a basic firewall. Protecting your business’s data is crucial...
Digital Risk: Protecting Your Most Important Asset Webinar
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Data breaches are a real threat that should be taken seriously, and SMBs have a higher susceptibility of suffering a breach. It’s important to understand the potential threats, how they can affect your business, and what you can do...
Technology Preparations for an Office Move
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Moving is stressful—especially when it comes to an office move. It requires careful planning and preparation, otherwise it can result in major work disruptions, sometimes halt productivity entirely for your business, resulting in...