business continuity

Why Your Business Needs a Managed Services Provider

Why Your Business Needs a Managed Services Provider

How secure is your business from cyber threats? Take a look at some of these latest cybersecurity statistics: As of late 2021, the number of malware infections against individual computers and business networks has increased by over 2000% since a decade ago. Roughly...

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Build a Human Firewall for Your Business

Establishing a human firewall in your business is more important than you think. Consider your employees. On one hand, they are your single most important business asset. The diligence and know-how of your staff can make or break not only your bottom line, but also...

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The Ransomware Tide is Rising

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Ransomware has been a problem for businesses, individuals and organizations for years, but it has reached endemic proportions in the last couple of years. According to U.N. Findings, since the COVID-19 pandemic, email-based...

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Focus on Business Development By Hiring a Managed Services Provider

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Professional IT services definitely have a niche for themselves in the U.S. small business landscape: Of the roughly 3.7 million small businesses operating in the United States currently, over 57% of them feel a strong need to...

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Should Your Business Outsource IT?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]At least 83% of corporate IT leaders are either already outsourcing or planning to outsource their IT to professional external management services in 2021. There are more than a couple of good reasons for this. As the post-COVID...

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Improving Work-From-Home Security

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]According to research from security software provider Malwarebytes, roughly 20% of organizations may have suffered a security breach caused by remote workers since the beginning of the COVID pandemic. This is a worrying but...

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