IT Insights Trends

Business data is vital to keep safe given increasing threats in the marketplace, such as identity theft and various forms of financial fraud. Fortunately, there are simple controls you can implement to mitigate risks to your business and clients’ confidential information. Here are some tips to help you establish strong data security.

Create Data Security Procedures

Designing and implementing data security procedures is critical for getting everyone in your organization on the same page, as it relates to data protection. Standard operating procedures and reference material are important to author and distribute. Once employees know how to secure data, and how the authentication process works, you will start to mitigate risk and build a culture focused on security.

Monitor Network Access

Controlling network access through segmentation, and monitoring access in and out your system, is important for maintaining security and data integrity. User access should be restricted to those areas or data sets required to perform routine duties. If you do not have an internal tracking methodology, you can outsource network monitoring to skilled third-party service providers.

Create Secure Passwords

Routinely changing passwords is an important step in protecting data and restricting access to sensitive information. If a password is easy to guess, it weakens your company’s system of internal control and makes vulnerable sensitive information. Creating well-designed and difficult to decipher passwords can make penetrating your systems difficult for hackers.

Outsource Your IT Help Desk

If you don’t have a dedicated IT team, or if you need technical expertise securing your computers and troubling-shooting technical issues, an outsourced IT help desk is beneficial. Being able to contact an IT professional to work through computer virus issues, or hardware malfunctions, can protect the integrity of your digital records.

Backup Data & Cloud Storage

Regular backup of your data is essential. Whether you have an on-site server, or you utilize a cloud service with offsite storage, your records must be protected. Data loss attributable to natural disasters, faulty hardware or corrupted files can create a myriad of risks for your business. Routine data backup to an offsite location is among the most effective methods to secure business data. Keeping your business data safe needs to be a priority, because it impacts the financial stability and long-term success of your company. It also protects your clients’ information and mitigates risks associated with identity theft. Follow these simple tips and enhance the effectiveness of internal control.

Great Lakes Computer Corporation can protect your business.

We offer a range of services designed to help our clients protect their businesses from data loss, from preventative maintenance to the latest in security services, at a price that SMBs can afford. Find out what we can do for you.

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