How secure is your business from cyber threats? Take a look at some of these latest cybersecurity statistics: As of late 2021, the number of malware infections against individual computers and business networks has increased by over 2000% since a decade ago. Roughly...
Establishing a human firewall in your business is more important than you think. Consider your employees. On one hand, they are your single most important business asset. The diligence and know-how of your staff can make or break not only your bottom line, but also...
Technology makes our lives easier… most of the time. But sometimes, getting that technology to work the way it should when it should takes more work than we’d like it to. How often have you been held up because your office printer is giving you error...
Managed IT services are growing at a rapid rate, with a recent survey estimating that almost 69% of small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) hire at least one type of IT service provider. So what are managed IT services, how do they work, and why would companies...
Professional IT services definitely have a niche for themselves in the U.S. small business landscape: Of the roughly 3.7 million small businesses operating in the United States currently, over 57% of them feel a strong need to improve their existing IT infrastructure....
Don’t be fooled by brisk morning temperature drops–there are still many hot days to come this summer. Your IT hardware wants to stay as cool as you do and a spike in temps can lead to overheating, which can cause a lot of issues for your business network...