We cannot stress enough the importance of protecting your company’s email accounts from spam, phishing attacks and malware. Cyber criminals continue to become more creative in their attacks, and so it’s crucial that you have proper email security measures in place to...
According to Verizon’s 2020 Data Breach Investigations Report, one quarter of all data breaches studied by them over the previous year were caused by email phishing attacks. Furthermore, the global average cost of a data breach was calculated at $3.92 million by...
Since the COVID-19 pandemic heavily shifted work patterns for millions of people around the world, one of the biggest changes, particularly among white collar workers, has been a move towards working from home wherever possible. As a result, millions of employees are...
Though it launched in the late 1990s, the popularity in Cloud Computing has grown exponentially due to a little thing called COVID-19. With many employees working remotely, the need to access data and continue work operations from their homes was (and continues to be)...
Today’s economic environment requires state and local government agencies to leverage IT resources if they intend to effectively control costs and streamline their services. Unfortunately, the government’s IT system faces many challenges. They include a...
Data breaches are a real threat that should be taken seriously, and SMBs have a higher susceptibility of suffering a breach. It’s important to understand the potential threats, how they can affect your business, and what you can do to reduce the risks. At Great Lakes...