6 Reasons You Should Outsource Your IT Support Helpdesk Having a professional IT Support infrastructure in place is essential for the modern business. The first point of contact for support is the IT helpdesk, yet for many businesses the cost of maintaining a...
Great Lakes: Allowing IT Support to Take a Vacation As your company’s IT support lifeline, you are responsible for so much of the daily operations. And the last thing you want on your time off or vacation is phone calls from the office asking what to do about...
Great Lakes Computer Preparedness Package Imagine this scenario: You’re preparing for a meeting, and your PC starts acting up. You get a call from a coworker who notices your server is down. You immediately pick up the phone to call your IT guy, only to remember...
Remote Server Monitoring for less than $1/day – It is possible! Organizations, whether large, medium or small, need insight into the operations of their servers. However, unless they are a large company, many believe they cannot afford a robust, remote...
IT Support in Business is the vital support system that all else depends upon As small and medium sized companies and organizations become increasingly reliant on their IT networks for maintaining nearly all aspects of their business, a great deal of emphasis has been...
We found this article by George Pettit that stresses the importance of having a robust IT Support System in place, and why it is imperative to have a backup plan in place when your IT Department is not available: The Importance of IT Support in Business By George...