IT Insights Trends

With Great (Data) Power Comes Great (Data Protection) Responsibility

by | Nov 21, 2013 | Data Backup, Data Protection, Data Recovery


Data growth means companies need to increase their data backup and recovery plans

Data BackupIn a recently published blog post by Asigra, “Enterprise Backup Challenges Lie Ahead  are you Prepared?” a new infographic takes a look at ever increasing trends in data growth within enterprises and the corresponding impact this growth is having on data backup and recovery costs. The post goes on to say…

“In fact, there is overwhelming evidence that companies are well aware that their costs are about to rise in the near future with a small demographic believing they will actually decrease. This of course brings up the issue of preparedness within your own IT environment. Are you able to handle the challenges and burdens of rapid data growth?

Luckily, the patent-pending Asigra Recovery License Model® (RLM) is a proactive approach to mitigate many of the concerns and pressures felt by IT managers when it comes to handling costs. Take a look at the infographic below to find out exactly how many companies are in favour of a new performance-based approach to backup and recovery licensing.

In May-June 2013, Asigra conducted a primary research study with Winning Research across North American CIOs and IT Executives with greater than 100 employees and more than 10TB of total backup capacity. The results showed that the companies participating in the study would switch to the Asigra Recovery License Model® and would be willing to recommend the model to others. To find out what else they thought of the performance-based pricing model, check out the infographic below for further insights:

Which Backup Option is Right for You?

Download Asigra’s Whitepaper “Which Backup Option is best.” This guide is designed to help business professionals assess their options for adopting or upgrading a backup and recovery system with a Managed IT Services Company. While it may seem obvious why you should protect your data with backups, a professional approach to planning a defense requires that every conceivable threat is recognized and ad- dressed by the solution you finally select.

Learn More About Which Backup Option Is Best For You

Learn more about the author Bob Martin
