IT security consists of multiple facets and is crucial in today's deeply digitized world. As a business owner, your IT components—the sensitive data, software, and hardware—are the backbone of your company’s success. So, it’s crucial to protect them beyond just hack...
remote workforce
Disaster Protection: Why Your Business Needs BCDR Now
Disasters sometimes strike. They can take on many forms (fire, hurricane, earthquake, theft, etc.) and either be localized or fully global. The COVID-19 Pandemic was one particular example on a global scale, but it's far from the only kind of catastrophic event we...
Why Business Cybersecurity is a Huge Problem for 2022
The Great Lakes Computer Security Stack
Phishing Email Attacks on the Rise
Since the COVID-19 pandemic heavily shifted work patterns for millions of people around the world, one of the biggest changes, particularly among white collar workers, has been a move towards working from home wherever possible. As a result, millions of employees are...
Why IT Support Is More Critical with a Remote Workforce
According to a survey conducted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, only around 7% of U.S. employees had access to remote work benefits as of 2019. Then the COVID-19 pandemic swept the world—and the nation. Suddenly, many companies were scrambling to support...