IT Insights Trends

Manufacturers Balance Tech Budgets with Managed Services Providers

by | Sep 17, 2013 | SMB Best Practices


Managed Services can support your business for less

Managed Services Cost SavingsOver time we have become used to technology, such as smartphones and wireless devices, greasing the wheels of our everyday interactions, so we naturally expect the same of our work-based IT solutions.  If a component of the system is not working, however, there needs to be a quick solution in place to get resolution quickly, so that we can do back to using the systems we rely on for business to operate efficiently.  There is now an expectation from both vendor and client that a managed service provider will offer cost-effective and reliable solutions for enterprise IT.

Some companies are wary of moving from their current system, especially if it is geared toward a break-fix model, where a company may require one-off visits from a technician when things go wrong.  If you are in this situation, you may feel that occasional invoices for annual maintenance or last minute repairs are less expensive in the long run than a regular monthly IT bill.

It is worth remembering, however, that depending upon certain factors such as your business model, number of employees, types of workstations, etc.,  call-out fees and emergency rates can be many times higher than you would be paying for a complete managed service. Moreover, in addition to the unpredictable nature of break-fix solutions, it is possible you will experience extended periods of downtime while you search for a provider who can get you on their schedule.

Using managed services means that the IT bill you get at the end of each period is predictable.  This stability gives you the opportunity to balance your tech budget accurately from month to month and enjoy a greater degree of control over your finances.
Initiating the changeover to managed services is much less complicated than many IT decision-makers may believe, and the effects could be felt sooner than you think.  The proactive stance taken by providers acts like a safety net, blocking the effects of glitches or bugs before you are even aware of their presence.

Managed Services – A Perfect Fit for Small and Large Manufacturers

At Great Lakes Computer, we are aware of the needs and budget of both large and small-scale manufacturers.  As a Managed IT Service Provider (MSP) our team of highly qualified IT experts will provide the computer service support you need with a team of hard-working and experienced computer techs, leaving you to do what you do best: grow your business.

To help decide if outsourcing your IT services is right for you,  download an informative whitepaper “Is Outsourcing Your IT Services Right For You?”

Learn more about the author Bob Martin
