Data Backup

Why Your Business Needs a Managed Services Provider

Why Your Business Needs a Managed Services Provider

How secure is your business from cyber threats? Take a look at some of these latest cybersecurity statistics: As of late 2021, the number of malware infections against individual computers and business networks has increased by over 2000% since a decade ago. Roughly...

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Build a Human Firewall for Your Business

Establishing a human firewall in your business is more important than you think. Consider your employees. On one hand, they are your single most important business asset. The diligence and know-how of your staff can make or break not only your bottom line, but also...

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The Ransomware Tide is Rising

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Ransomware has been a problem for businesses, individuals and organizations for years, but it has reached endemic proportions in the last couple of years. According to U.N. Findings, since the COVID-19 pandemic, email-based...

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Simple Tips to Keep Your Business Data Safe

Simple Tips to Keep Your Business Data Safe

Business data is vital to keep safe given increasing threats in the marketplace, such as identity theft and various forms of financial fraud. Fortunately, there are simple controls you can implement to mitigate risks to your business and clients’ confidential...

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Technology Preparations for an Office Move

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Moving is stressful—especially when it comes to an office move. It requires careful planning and preparation, otherwise it can result in major work disruptions, sometimes halt productivity entirely for your business, resulting in...

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Windows 7 End of Life is January 14th, 2020

On January 14, 2020, Windows 7 will reach end-of-life (EOL) and will no longer be supported by Microsoft. If you haven’t started mapping out your migration to Windows 10, it’s time to act. Once a product reaches its end-of-life, no new features or fixes are released...

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The Newest Malware – Fake Windows 10 Update

Great Lakes Computer is always on top of the latest cyber attacks and there's a new one to beware of - the fake Windows 10 update. Portrayed as a critical update, this ransomware will install an executable .NET file that will infect your computer and request that you...

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The Dark Web: What is it and why should you care?

When you hear about the Dark Web, you may think the very idea is based on fiction, innuendo and fear-mongering. After all, how could it be so bad? It's as though the boogeyman joined forces with the worst cyber stalker and decided to let loose their evil machinations...

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