Bob Martin

Physical Security is Crucial to Your Data Security

We write about data security in our blog posts often as it is a topic that goes hand in hand with any IT Support discussion. One aspect that often is overlooked is the actual physical security of your serves and systems.  Having a lock on a door to your office simply...

Beginners Guide to Cloud Computing

It is imperative when transitioning to the cloud to know what questions to ask, as well as what information is necessary to share with your possible cloud computing service provider.  Some businesses make the switch with some ambiguity and no clear understanding of...

SMB Best Practices: Why Do You Procrastinate?

Today we share a post from our guest bloggers at as part of our Small Business Best Practices series. SMB owners have a lot on their plates, to say the least.  Procrastination can harm the success of your organization. Do you find yourself frequently...