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15 Data Backup and Protection Vows You Should Make for 2015

by | Jan 2, 2015 | Data Backup, Data Protection, Data Recovery

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Data ProtectionHappy new year from Great Lakes Computer!  I am sure your minds are a little foggy from the past 2 weeks of holiday celebrations, so I am going to get right to the point and keep my blog this week simple about data backup.  Here are 15 promises for 2015 you should make to yourself when it comes to your data protection and Disaster Recovery Plans for your business:

    1. I will confirm that my data is backed up and I know how to get to it if I suffer a data loss
    2. I will updated my Anti-virus software on all machines, company wide
    3. I will update my antimalware software, on all machines, company wide
    4. I will put a Disaster Recovery Plan in place
    5. I will test my Disaster Recovery Plan
    6. I will confirm again that my data is backed up
    7. I will finally get around to making a decision on whether or not to adopt a BYOD strategy for my employees
    8. I will enforce that BYOD strategy, and make sure all devices that are brought in are secured
    9. I will confirm that my data is backed up – yes, AGAIN!
    10. I will refresh my Business Continuity Plan
    11. I will refresh myself on what the difference is between a BCP and a DRP here
    12. I will test my Business Continuity Plan
    13. I will  ensure that everyone involved in my Business Continuity Plan is aware of their roles
    14. I will remind myself that 6% of businesses do not survive for more than 2 years after a  massive data loss, and therefore…
    15. I will confirm that my data is backed up – AGAIN!

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