IT Insights Trends

Unified Backup: Virtual & Physical

by | Oct 15, 2013 | Data Backup, Data Protection, Disaster Recovery

Dell AppAssure 5 vs. Symantec Backup

Dell AppAssure5WebBuyer’s Guide recently posted this independent whitepaper by openBench Labs:

If you’re currently using or considering either Symantec Backup Exec or Dell AppAssure software to protect your Windows environment, you may already be aware that both products were reintroduced this year in significantly enhanced forms. This openBench Labs analysis pitted the performance of Symantec Backup Exec 2012 software versus AppAssure 5 in a well-appointed Windows lab environment. Read this executive brief to learn how each product measured up in the following ways: ease of use, backup speed and functionality, and recovery process

We invite you to read the whitepaper.  Great Lakes Computer is an authorized partner for AppAssure Software.  AppAssure software is used by IT professionals for backup, replication, and recovery of their virtual and physical servers and for performing Disaster Recovery to remote locations or to private or public cloud. AppAssure server backup software offers IT users unique, innovative industry-firsts including Live Recovery, Recovery Assure, and Universal Recovery technologies.

We have long touted the benefits of using AppAssure, and this whitepaper furthers the claim that it is the #1 unified backup and replication product that offers data protection for VM, physical and cloud IT environments.

Learn more about the author Bob Martin