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Top 5 Benefits of Managed IT Services (And One Surprise Benefit…)

by | Mar 11, 2014 | IT outsourcing, Managed IT Services

Managed Service ProviderJust why would you outsource various IT processes?  There are actually a number of reasons that make sense for any business.

So today, we’re going to share some with you, and make sure you read to the end to get a special surprise benefit.

Here are the top benefits your firm can experience when you outsource various managed network services:

    1. Increased Efficiency: You know the value of a specialist.  Your company acts as a specialist so you can provide your clients or customers with a valuable service they cannot provide for themselves.  The same idea applies to hiring a managed network services provider.  They handle some, most, or all of your IT processes so your business can focus on what it does best.  They perform their expertise more efficiently, and so do you.
    2. You Don’t Have to Deal with Employee Administration:  Hiring, firing, and training – these things are all now handled by a single company.  And all the really tough stuff – personality conflicts, misbehaving employees, and employees not caring about their jobs – these things are all handled by your managed services provider.
    3. Instant Access to Experienced Experts: Instead of having to train your employees to get them up to speed, you instantly have seasoned professionals to help you with all your IT needs.  You need a specific application installed at one of your physical locations, like Sharepoint, and your managed services provider sends out a specialist to help you design the implementation right away.
    4. Rapid Implementation:  Designing and installing your own IT processes, department, and infrastructure takes months, and perhaps more than a year if you have a very large project.  The same project gets completed in weeks or months when you use the experience of dedicated specialists.
    5. Reduced Stress: So maybe it’s not a direct financial or logistical benefit, but can you really put a price on reduced stress?  When you’re at work, you know you never have to worry about your current IT support team.  And, when you’re away from work, you can relax and not spend time thinking about what’s going to happen with your IT processes.

And Now for Your Surprise Benefit:  Reduced Downtime & Risk

Very often, managed services providers can often catch gigantic failures before they even happen. They have robust tools available to help them do so.  Managed Service Providers, like Great Lakes Computer, could save thou yousands of dollars and lost man hours by preventing failures from ever occurring in the first place.

So those are some benefits every business gets from using managed services.  If you take time to calculate the cost savings precisely, how could your business benefit?

Learn more about the author Bob Martin