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Top 10 Best Practices of Data Backup & Recovery for VMware & Hyper-V

by | May 18, 2012 | Server Repair & Maintenance

Top 10 Best Practices of Backup, Replication & Recovery for VMware and Hyper-V

10 Best Practices of Data Backup and ReplicationVirtualization changes everything for IT infrastructure administration and management. One of the many traditional, and most critical, infrastructure management processes that server virtualization breaks is backup and recovery. Once server virtualization is in place, backup and recovery systems, as well as admins, have to adapt. For example,
unlike with physical servers, virtual servers can move from one host to another so you lose the host to guest OS mapping. Many virtual infrastructures were set up quickly, by admins who were new to virtualization, at a time when few best practices existed for virtualization backup and recovery.  Written by David Davis, VMware vExpert.

Whether you are new to virtualization or if you have been administering a virtual infrastructure for a while, it’s now time to review your virtual infrastructure backup
design and backup product features in use to ensure that you are both optimally protecting your virtual infrastructure as well as taking advantage of the latest virtualization backup features which will make your life easier. Start now by learning the 10 best practices for virtual infrastructure backup and find out what you may be missing.

Great Lakes Computer is now an Authorized AppAssure Partner, delivering the #1 Backup and Disaster Recover Software on the market.   Learn more about AppAssure solutions.