Old technology, backup issues, millions of cables…. The list goes on and on of all the common IT problems businesses face. And often, owners don’t have time to deal with them. They just need the problem quickly fixed so work can continue. For small businesses who...
IT security
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The Newest Malware – Fake Windows 10 Update
Great Lakes Computer is always on top of the latest cyber attacks and there's a new one to beware of - the fake Windows 10 update. Portrayed as a critical update, this ransomware will install an executable .NET file that will infect your computer and request that you...
The Dark Web: What is it and why should you care?
When you hear about the Dark Web, you may think the very idea is based on fiction, innuendo and fear-mongering. After all, how could it be so bad? It's as though the boogeyman joined forces with the worst cyber stalker and decided to let loose their evil machinations...