business continuity

Phishing Email Attacks on the Rise

Phishing Email Attacks on the Rise

Since the COVID-19 pandemic heavily shifted work patterns for millions of people around the world, one of the biggest changes, particularly among white collar workers, has been a move towards working from home wherever possible. As a result, millions of employees are...

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Technology Preparations for an Office Move

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Moving is stressful—especially when it comes to an office move. It requires careful planning and preparation, otherwise it can result in major work disruptions, sometimes halt productivity entirely for your business, resulting in...

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Keeping Up with Your Office Printer

As the pandemic continues in this country, so does working from home for many Americans. In fact, one study shows that roughly 42% still work from home. For business owners, it presents multiple problems and required adjustments, but what many don’t think about is...

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