IT Insights Trends

Professional Plotter Repair in High Demand

by | May 28, 2013 | Printer & Plotter Maintenance /Repair


The need for professional plotter repair services

plotter repairThe last few years of the computer revolution have seen a remarkable transformation in the world of printing, with the price of personal laser printers falling to radically low levels.  Prices, in fact, have fallen so low that some small- and medium-sized businesses are beginning to take a new approach to printer repair.  When a printer fails, they may decide that replacing it with new is a more economical remedy than repairing it.

The wisdom of this strategy is no doubt debatable, but what is not in any doubt is the fact that plotters are quite literally a different kettle of fish.  Unlike some of today’s printers, plotters represent both a considerable investment of company resources and a gateway to future business success through the in-house production of large scale printed documents such as banner advertisements and marketing posters.

Plotters allow businesses to escape the previous paradigm, in which such large scale print jobs could only be produced by contracting with a specialty firm to handle them.  This system took control over printing functions away from the core business needing them, which led to a plethora of problems including unexpected delays and a failure to clearly communicate regarding fonts, colors, and other presentation issues.  The advent of the laser plotter has solved all of this by making large scale print jobs possible to do in-house, where delays can be minimized and key staff can collaborate as needed to make decisions and see that they are carried out.

This convenience, however, comes with one vital caveat: it is only available when plotters are, in fact, completely operational.  Nor can a business simply purchase a replacement plotter whenever the one in service experiences a failure, as this would have a serious negative impact on the bottom line.  Instead, the most economical approach is for a business to find and contract with a plotter service firm as soon as a plotter has been purchased.  This helps to ensure that downtime can be minimized.

A plotter service firm can also assist a business with making sure that toner cartridges and other needed supplies are on hand when required – because, after all, in the world of business, time really is money.

Great Lakes Computer Printer Repair Services

For over 25 years, the team at Great Lakes Computer has worked with small, mid-sized and large businesses located throughout the country to reduce the cost of computer maintenance and printer repair.  We repair large and small printers and plotters through on-site service or through a “ship-in” depot printer repair service for the smaller more portable devices, including laser printers.  Our technicians have extensive printer repair experience and we carry a large inventory of spare parts, offering IT service levels up to 24/7.  IF IT PRINTS… WE CAN FIX IT!

Learn More About Great Lakes Printer Repair

Learn more about the author Bob Martin
