IT Insights Trends

Managing Risk – Data Security Strategy

by | Aug 17, 2012 | Data Backup, Data Protection, Disaster Recovery

Posted by M. Ursula Herrmann
Crain’s Cleveland Business Guest Blog Post of 7-27-12

In managing risk, a line to walk in finding acceptable levels

Mary Ursula Herrmann is a Network Security Analyst living in Juneau, AK. She has worked in Information Security for over 15 years, and obtained her CISSP in 2005.

Disaster RecoveryWhen discussing risk, you need to look at it in terms of the threats a system does or might face. These threats might come from vulnerabilities  or they might be based on other sources, such as natural disasters, vandalism and so on. In order to report on risk, you need to express it as a formula, and a good general one to use is Risk Index = Probability of Threat Occurrence x Impact of Threat.

This post explores ideas on how to identify your risk index and how to further budget your information security strategy in terms of time, equipment and management.  Follow this link to Crain’s Cleveland Business to read the full post: INFORMATION SECURITY GUEST BLOG

To learn more about Great Lakes Computer’s Disaster and Recovery Software, which, when successfully implemented, will greatly lower your risk index, download the white paper “Comparison and Performance Analysis of Backup and Disaster Recovery Software.”