NEMS Remote Monitoring
Support & Solutions
NEMS/400 and AS400 Service Tools
NEMS/400 constantly monitors your hardware and reports any problems so Great Lakes Computer Corporation can be there before they happen. NEMS/400 was created to allow GLC to offer the same “comfort factor” that IBM is able to leverage as a major player in the AS/400-iSeries maintenance market place. This service provides complete system monitoring, automatic alerts and customer notification for all of your AS/400 and iSeries products.

Service details:
- NEMS/400 is designed to monitor the AS/400 or iSeries system error-log and report problems automatically based on some custom filters.
- Automatically receive and redirect messages to service centers and field engineers via e-mail or text.
- The Problem Management Center (PMC) logs and archives all calls.
- The PMC is installed on a “central site” AS/400 or iSeries.
- Connection between the customer’s machine and the PMC is made by either IP (using the Internet) or a dial up system using an asynchronous modem attached to a V24 port.
- Detailed archived problem message logs allow report production based on machine, client, date, history, number of problems and more.
Information provided by NEMS/400:
- A system generated problem number
- A message ID
- The current rack configuration
- The problem function
- System Reference Code
- Machine Serial Number
- Date and Time of the problem
- First level text
- Problem log details
- Pertinent hardware and software details

Information provided by NEMS/400:
- A system generated problem number
- A message ID
- The current rack configuration
- The problem function
- System Reference Code
- Machine Serial Number
- Date and Time of the problem
- First level text
- Problem log details
- Pertinent hardware and software details

Benefits of NEMS
- NEMS will give you advance warning of machine problems
- NEMS will allow you to collate an up to the minute stock requirement inventory
- Greater clarity of information is produced
- A reduction in duplicated site visits
- A reduction in time waiting at site for parts
- Full and current system information
- Detailed problem information made readily available
- Reduced call time analyzing the problem
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