IT Insights Trends

Here is Why Your IT Support Cannot Ignore Tablets

by | Aug 7, 2014 | IT outsourcing, IT Repair, IT Support


BYOD IT SupportTech Target recently published this blog post entitled “Why IT can’t ignore tablet computers” that provides some useful insight into the whole BYOD and BYOx debate.  View our post “Mobile Data Security: Forget BYOD – Now the Buzz is BYOx!  Here is the post:

Can tablet computers really replace desktops? No! Does that mean you can ignore them? Also no.

There has been a lot of talk recently about the “death of the PC” — typically grouped in with conversations about the rise of the tablet. Sure, no one can argue with tablets’ sales numbers. (According to IDC, tablet growth fell last quarter to 62% from 87% a year ago. How crazy is that? Tablet growth is only 62%!)

Many IT pros roll their eyes when they read things like this. “Tablets can never replace PCs,” they say. “There’s no keyboard. The apps are crippled. You can’t do real work on them!”

I totally agree, which is why you’re not going to stop managing desktops anytime soon. Unfortunately, the penetration of tablet computers into the enterprise won’t subside either, so the real statement is, “You’re not going to stop managing desktops anytime soon — oh, and you also have to manage tablets.”


It’s so tempting to ignore tablets, but unfortunately ignoring them doesn’t make them go away. Embracing tablets means that at least you are involved in the conversation about how tablets are used in your company. Ignoring tablet computers doesn’t make users stop using them; rather, ignoring them just means that you’ve removed yourself from involvement in how your users are using tablets.

Beyond BYOD

All companies have been uncovering the secrets of BYOD over the past couple of years. Have you found them all out? Are you using this new technology to your advantage? We invite you to join our friends and guest bloggers at Corporate Technologies Group at LockKeepers on August 19th at 11:30am for a Lunch and Learn about uncovering the secrets of BYOD.

Register HERE for FREE lunch and a brief, informative seminar on BYOD.

Did you know that Great Lakes Computer sells harware – including tablets and PC’s – in addition to providing hardware repair services?  In fact, we are a Lenovo Business Partner.  Learn more!

Learn More About Lenovo from Great Lakes

All companies have been uncovering the secrets of BYOD over the past couple of years. Have you found them all out? Are you using this new technology to your advantage? We invite you to join our friends and guest bloggers at Corporate Technologies Group at LockKeepers on August 19th at 11:30am for a Lunch and Learn about uncovering the secrets of BYOD. Register HERE for FREE lunch and a brief, informative seminar on BYOD.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]