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Free Webinar: Quick-Start Guide to Virtualization

by | Jun 14, 2012 | Server Repair & Maintenance


Quick-Start Guide to Virtualization- Getting it Done Right, Getting it Done Fast

Guide to Virtualization Webinar resized 600

June 19th, 2012
12:00 PM Eastern – 60 minutes

A Ziff Davis Enterprise eSeminar, sponsored by Dell and Microsoft.

Unrelenting competitive pressures have SMBs looking to virtualization for the same reasons enterprises have for years: to reap cost-savings, efficiency and manageability benefits. Most SMBs need to make the most of their resources and knowledge as they plan on migrating to a virtual infrastructure, especially one that must be up and running in short order.

Without the key components of expertise and careful planning, a virtual infrastructure is unlikely to deliver the anticipated benefits and return on investment. It is possible for an SMB to virtualize successfully and cost effectively. This interactive webcast explores options and best practices for getting a virtual infrastructure in place quickly, without overtaxing IT staff.

Featured Speakers
Andy Nichols – Enterprise Technologist – Dell, Inc.
Colin Esaias – Partner Technology Specialist, Virtualization and Systems Management – Microsoft

This is not an event sponsored by Great Lakes Computer Corp., but one in which we believe you will find value in attending.
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