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Free eBook: Technology in Today’s Law Firm

by | Jul 23, 2013 | law firm IT solutions, Managed IT Services, Managed Print Service

Making the Case for Managed Print and Managed IT Support Services

Law Firm IT SupportThere are several ways in which a law firm might consider organizing its IT services, but many of them have the drawback of throwing piecemeal solutions at a challenge that might be best addressed through an integrated approach.  For an increasing number of law firms in the United States, such an integrated model is not only the wave of the future, it is the most powerful way possible to make sure that systems and software remain as accessible as possible to the legal staff depending upon them.  This integrated approach to legal IT support needs can go by a number of names, but is commonly referred to as “managed services.”

What are managed services?

Managed services can be regarded as a system for complete IT management.  Although there are various ways to implement a managed services approach, one powerful model involves outsourcing IT functions all the way down to the application level.  In this model, a law firm need no longer take responsibility for installing and maintaining software on their systems.  Instead, all applications are hosted at a data center maintained by the managed services provider, who takes complete charge of keeping them updated and operating smoothly.

A managed services provider will also take charge of all data security and data backup needs, which means that IT Support for law firms can help the partners to comply with relevant regulatory requirements in these domains.

What makes this powerful approach possible, of course, is the reliability of today’s high-speed broadband internet connections, which serve as a two-way conduit for a law firm and a managed service provider.  The MSP will deliver services via the connection, monitoring access, terminal systems, and law firm-based hardware as needed so that tech problems can be nipped in the bud.  At the same time, law firm employees will use the connection to “dial in,” so to speak, to the powerful systems where software is stored.

This system provides law firms with a serious logistical advantage, allowing employees to reach software and data via any properly authorized connection.  Employees can, therefore, process workflow from home or from locations on the road should that be desirable, which can only boost productivity and enhance the bottom line.

Free eBook from Great Lakes Computer

Download this eBook prepared by Great Lakes Computer to guide you through the complexities law firms face in today’s ever changing world of technology.  Learn how a Managed IT Service and a Managed Print Service can save your law firm.

Learn more about the author Bob Martin