IT Insights Trends

Free Assessments for IT Support to First 15 Responders

by | May 21, 2013 | Computer Maintenance & Repair, IT Support, Server Repair & Maintenance


Great Lakes:  Allowing IT Support to Take a Vacation

Computer RepairAs your company’s IT support lifeline, you are responsible for so much of the daily operations. And the last thing you want on your time off or vacation is phone calls from the office asking what to do about the server going down or the printer not working.

Thanks to Great Lakes Computer, you can go ahead and book your next vacation, knowing you won’t get these annoying phone calls while enjoying a margarita poolside.

Preparedness Package

Great Lakes Computer offers a Preparedness Package: A pre-assessment where you familiarize our technicians with your systems, and we provide IT Support Services on an on-call basis, with no contractual obligations while you are away.

For less than $200, Great Lakes will send a certified technician to your business before you leave to asses your operations and familiarize themselves with your PC environment. And should anything happen while you are away, the first two hours of the service call from Great Lakes is included in this Preparedness Package fee.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]