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Evaluate Efficiency when Making Plans for 2018

by | Nov 7, 2017 | Managed Print Service


managed printWe’re almost to the halfway mark in the fourth quarter of our business year. This is a great time to assess your business operations and make plans for the upcoming year. Here are some tips on how you can become more efficient in the new year.

Identifying wasteful or inefficient processes is a great place to start, and printing is almost always one of these processes. Are all of your printers being used to capacity? Or are you paying to run and maintain individual printers for individual employees? Paying for supplies for many smaller units used seldomly can be far more costly and wasteful than a centralized machine with a higher capacity. 

Do you know who is doing the printing? Are some employees printing excessively and unnecessarily? Document management software can be a powerful tool to help you assess who is printing and how much. 

A Managed Print Provider can help you identify waste and reduce it. Outsourcing your print management can save you up to 30% in print-related expenses, and even more in other ways. 

What to Expect from an MPS Provider

Below is what you should expect from a Managed Print Service provider:

  • All inclusive plan: everything is included except the paper (i.e. toner, maintenance kits, all parts, labor, etc)
  • “Per page” billing, which means how much you pay per month will depend upon how much you print
  • Preventative printer maintenance
  • Automated print supply ordering and trouble notification
  • Your printers are monitored remotely, catching problems early and resolve them more efficiently. Items to monitor include: the toner level of a printer, any errors that are generated, and page count.
  • Detailed reports with information that gives you a better overview of your print operations, plus insights as to how you can further reduce your costs.

What Benefits does MPS Provide?

These are the benefits you should experience with an MPS:

  • Lower print costs with up to 30% savings on overall printing costs
  • Less IT involvement with printing problems
  • Precise management of print resources to control and reduce print cost

Download our Managed Print Brochure

What Companies would Benefit from MPS?

Any small to midsize business with printing needs can potentially benefit from Managed Print Services.  Law firms and healthcare facilities with a high demand for printing needs, or companies with multiple locations and varied print environments who find it hard to maintain a control over tend to benefit the most from this service.

View a case study on how Dental Services Group benefits from MPS

Great Lakes offers a free print cost analysis to determine if Managed Print is right for you.  What can it hurt?  Get the free analysis and see if you can save money on your print budget.

Schedule Your FREE Print Assessment 

