IT Insights Trends

Dell AppAssure Whitepaper: Business Continuity

by | Oct 3, 2013 | Data Backup, Data Protection, Disaster Recovery


How Will Data Loss Affect your Organization?

Dell AppASSURELosing your data or critical systems can mean:

    • Revenue loss from the inability to conduct business
    • Lost customer trust or confidence
    • Financial penalties for violated SLAs
    • Legal or financial penalties for compliance lapses
    • Excessive recovery and repair costs for lost systems and data

Organizations that would have absorbed one- or two-day outages now find that hours-long outages are a matter of crippling concern. No longer is it just your company’s employees who are affected by a failure to recover quickly. Partners and customers also link to your IT operation through an increasing number of outward-facing applications including email and database applications. Operational continuity is critical!

WhitePaper from Dell AppAssure

“Building higher IT business continuity in the face of disaster
Most disasters strike when you least expect them, Some – like hurricanes – give you more warning. But in either case, it’s a real problem if disaster brings your business to a grinding halt. Forces of nature, malicious acts, or even a simple mistake can have a long-lasting negative effect on your business. This idea paper offers some first steps and follow-up steps you can take to upgrade your disaster preparedness


Learn more about the author Bob Martin
