Understanding remote hardware monitoring Given the ongoing global financial situation, and the fact that “cost saving” and “restructuring” have been phrases used around many boardroom tables, it should come as little surprise that remote hardware monitoring is on the...
Great Lakes Computer’s new Computer Repair Video on 5 Steps to Resolve Printer Problems Did your printer get jammed again? What do the lights mean when I plug my ethernet cable into my printer? When is it appropriate to smash my printer with a sledgehammer? Get...
Make Sure your Backup Game Plan is Set! One of the things that make a disaster so catastrophic is the lack of notice before it occurs. If a server fails catastrophically and its data becomes unreadable, it is unlikely to send out a reminder before data is lost into...
Companies sticking with legacy systems are far from alone The common perception of business IT systems is that firms both large and small generally strive to be on the cutting edge of technology – adopting flat-screen panel monitors, for example, long before such...
Great Lakes Computer is a proud member of the Better Business Bureau. There are many misconceptions about what the BBB does for consumers and for businesses, and we found this blog article on their consumer blog very interesting and helpful: Consumer...
Legacy systems repair and maintenance: the IBM AS/400 The dawn of the information age has brought with it a number of new challenges to small businesses for computer repair and system maintenance. One of these is the legacy system, a phrase that applies to hardware as...