[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]IT experts have predicted cloud computing will impact over $1 Trillion in IT spending in the next 4 years. Leading up to this announcement, you’ve undoubtedly heard a lot about cloud applications and companies that move their entire IT infrastructure to the cloud.
But it’s important to understand people use terms like cloud and cloud computing to mean different things. If you plan to reap the benefits of the cloud for your business, take a few moments to understand various models.
4 Cloud Computing Service Models – The way cloud services get delivered
• IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) describes a situation when a third-party provider hosts servers, virtual computing configurations, and additional services in their own remote data center. Some examples of IaaS are Amazon Web Services (AWS), Cisco Metapod, and Microsoft Azure.
• DaaS (Desktop as a Service) could be part of IaaS. The third-party actually hosts desktops remotely, and these are accessed through connection services.
• Paas (Platform as a Service) describes hosts which provide remotely hosted development platforms. This allows developers to produce software without an investment in their own physical servers and development software.
• SaaS (Software as a Service) has become very common as more and more applications have been released in remotely accessed web versions. Instead of having users install the application on their own computers, they simply login with their browsers. Google, Twitter, Facebook, SalesForce, WebEx, and GoToMeeting are examples of SaaS you are likely familiar with already.
Cloud Deployment Models – The category of cloud environment distinguished by proprietorship, size and access
• Public: A public cloud delivers popular software like Google Apps over an open network. Individuals can sign up for their own account. In turn, they can access apps and data on resources that are shared with many other individuals.
• Private: Typically, a business or government organization would create a closed network of servers that only allow access for people within the organization. These are more secure solutions than a public cloud as they are safe guarded with firewalls and overseen by the IT department.
• Community: A multi-tenant setup that is mutually shared by members of a specific community, like banks. These are useful when several entities have similar access and security needs.
• Hybrid: A Hybrid cloud is any combination of the other three cloud types along with traditional data storage systems. This is used when a company has needs not met by a single deployment model.
Before you invest in more physical servers or large software installations, learn more about cloud computing. Storing applications and data in the cloud can save money, provide more robust service, and improve performance. At Great Lakes Computer, we are ready to hear about your company’s technology needs and find the cloud solution that works best for you. Let us know how we can ease your transition to the cloud. You can learn more about cloud computing by clicking below.