Bob Martin

IT Forecast: Cloud Covered

It’s no secret that the growth of cloud computing has been one of the most significant stories in the tech world for several years now. At this point, even the people who would consider themselves the opposite of early adopters have at least heard of the cloud, and...

Disaster Recovery Planning: Where to Start?

There’s often a great deal of cognitive dissonance on the part of business owners when it comes to disaster recovery. They think they don’t need to plan for an emergency because they doubt it will ever happen to them, despite the fact that serious data losses occur...

Cloud Computing, Is it as Safe as You Think?

Cloud computing isn’t just a buzz word anymore. It is where the majority of data processing and storage is headed, if it’s not already there. The cloud offers many advantages over premise-based hosting, the most important of which is Agility. The cloud is...

4 Data Security Hacks that Hurt in 2015

The world is constantly becoming more interconnected. Modern broadband technology has brought cheap and reliable communication, increased the efficiency of many processes, and changed entrepreneurship as we know it. It has also opened the door for tech criminals to...