[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Modern businesses across all industries rely on IT infrastructure, whether it be servers, desktops, printers, etc. These systems are vital to your core processes, which is why an inopportune failure of any one of them is a cause for concern. Rather than being left to improvise when your critical support systems aren’t working when you need them the most, consider signing a contract maintenance agreement with a managed IT service provider. You’ll have the benefit of a routine maintenance schedule, as well as access to emergency repairs. Here are just a few of the many reasons why a contract maintenance agreement for your systems can take your business to the next level.
Cost savings over the life of the contract
One thing that holds business owners back from signing a contract with a managed services company is the idea of paying up front when repairs aren’t actually needed. While it’s tempting to wait until the other shoe drops before paying for system maintenance, a contractual agreement will likely save you money in the long run. Service companies often offer a discount to their contract clients, and you will be able to better budget for your maintenance as many of the costs will be arranged beforehand.
Increased longevity for your hardware
Servers, printers, and workstations are a significant investment, so naturally everyone wishes they could get a longer life out of their equipment. By sticking to a routine maintenance schedule, your hardware will undergo thorough inspections designed to catch any serious issues before they cause a major problem. It’s less likely that you’ll experience an unexpected system failure, and you can be confident that your operations will continue at peak efficiency.
Dedicated service schedule
You already have numerous tasks competing for your time and attention, and remembering when to call for service for your various systems probably isn’t high priority on your to-do list. When you partner with a managed IT services company, your representative will take care of the busy work for you and leave you to lead your company. They will keep track of your routine maintenance schedule and supply orders and contact you when action is needed.
Emergency service
IT emergencies can cause even the most stalwart managers to panic. When you have an existing agreement with an IT service provider, you’ll know quickly whom to contact in the event that emergency service is needed. When your systems are down unexpectedly, time is of the essence, and you won’t want to waste valuable minutes searching for a new service provider to assist you.
Expert technicians
Building a relationship with a technician who knows your business and is familiar with your equipment is beneficial for both parties. When you have a scheduled maintenance contract, the support team won’t have to waste time learning about your particular systems and needs. They can also acquaint themselves with your business processes beforehand, so they will know exactly what systems are most crucial for your operations.